Nous avons besoin, plus que jamais, de sources d’inspiration, modèles de vie, de « changeurs de monde » qui nourrissent notre détermination à nous transformer nous-mêmes pour mieux transformer le monde  Mathieu Ricard Quand nous laissons notre lumière briller, nous donnons inconsciemment la permission aux autres d’en faire autant  Marianne Williamson

My Mission

I work with current and future leaders who want to make a difference in both their work environment and society at large. I guide them in their inquiry to find a fulfilling direction and a path from which they can live authentically and in integrity with themselves.


Lyse Mérineau, MA, PCC

Psychosociologist and Orientation Coach

I have deep conviction that today’s leader is called on to be authentic and committed, and has the courage to stand up for what matters to him or her. This leader has the resolve to step out of their comfort zone and is willing to question their mindsets. This leader is also a co-creator of transformation and is connected to their essence and raison d’être. This kind of leader has a vision or a project that serves the common good in their own life, in their organization and in society. Integra is committed to serve such a leader to the ends of bringing a leader’s unique essence to the forefront of their work.

Coaching Services

INTEGRA offers three types of services, each of which is specifically tailored to your specific needs. Choose yours.

For current leaders in their current position

This type of coaching is for leaders who want to lead from their leadership DNA. This provides them a foundation to lead with a renewed sense of purpose. It provides them with the possibility to live their full potential, to accomplish themselves and make the difference they strive for.

For future leaders aged 18-25

This coaching option helps reveal what drives and motivates a young future leader so that he or she may find the direction that suits them best with their unique talent. Discovering their "X" enables them to find their place and take their place.

DOT Orientation Program for small groups

I am introducing a new program for small groups of 4 to 6 individuals seeking to make a difference and find a professional direction that relies on their unique talent and contribution


Here are some testimonials from those who have benefited from Integra's services.

I have to say that the work we did together few years ago has had such a great and positive impact for me. My team really came along and as a result, we were able to achieve our objectives. I feel proud of them for their growth and achievements… and the true reward for me from my leadership development is that my team nominated me for our organization’s "Excellence in People Leadership Award”. Based on the new vision of success for that time, I can look back and truly say I did it!

Jennifer Cooke

Ex-District Manager at EDC

Reach Out

If you would like to know more about Integra's services, please reach out to Lyse for an appointment using either her contact information or the forms below.